The Webinar on Sustainability Rating & Research (“SRR”) 2023 was successfully conducted on March 24, 2023. We extend our sincere gratitude to all the company representatives who joined us in this informative session.

香港品质保证局可持续发展评级和研究 (“SRR”) 2023网络研讨会已于2023324日成功举行。我们向所有参加这个网络研讨会的公司代表表示衷心的感谢。

During the Webinar, the key changes to the 2023 SRR were highlighted, including the reorganization of the previous seven core subjects into Environmental (“E”), Social (“S”), and Governance (“G”) Aspects, updating the questionnaire format, and including new practices in the questionnaire. We trust that this information will be valuable to companies looking to participate in this year’s SRR.

在网络研讨会期间, 重点介绍了SRR 2023年的关键变化,包括将以前的七个核心主题重组为环境(“E”)、社会(“S”)和治理(“G”)三个核心方面,修订问卷格式,并在问卷中包括新的实践。我们相信这些信息对那些希望参加今年SRR的公司非常有用

For those who were unable to attend the Webinar or would like to revisit the materials, the attached PowerPoint presentation is available for reference.


Additionally, we are pleased to inform you that the 4.0 version of the HKQAA-HSIL Sustainability Rating and Research Scoring Handbook and HKQAA Sustainability Performance Assessment Questionnaire for Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index Series will be available for eligible companies to download in their accounts on this platform. Invitation emails will be sent to authorized representatives of eligible companies starting late April. Therefore, kindly ensure that you have successful access to your company account. If required, you may complete and return the Nomination of Representative Form to update the authorized representatives of your company.

此外,4.0版本的香港品质保证局 - 恒生指数可持续发展评级与研究评分手册和可持续发展表现评估调查问卷将可供合資格公司在此平台的 我的账户 下载。邀请电子邮件将从四月下旬开始发送给合資格公司的授权代表。因此,请确保您公司的授权代表可以成功登入公司账户。如果需要,您可以填写并交回公司代表委任表格,以更新公司的授权代表。

We appreciate your interest in SRR. Should you have any enquiries, please contact
