In December 2015, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) announced the changes to its listing rules with regard to the disclosure obligations of the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (ESG Guide).

This seminar will focus on the main disclosure obligations that issuers should pay attention to. In view of the new requirements, some useful guidance will be provided on how to write a simple and effective ESG report and prepare for the third party verification subsequently. If you are interested in this seminar, please download, complete and return the enrolment form to us or click the below link for online registration.

Seminar Highlights
During this seminar, the main amendments to the HKEx’s ESG Guide will be discussed, in order to get the participants ready for the mandatory requirements of sustainability reporting. Major topics include:

Mr. W. K. Wong, Manager of HKQAA

Date: 15 June 2017 (Thursday)
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Registration starts at 2:30pm)
Venue: HKQAA, 19/F., K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Fee: Free of charge
Language: Cantonese

Ms. Charlotte Lee:
(852) 2202 9360 (
Ms. Silver Leung:
(852) 2202 9313 (
General Line:
(852) 2202 9111

Online Registration